The Intelligent Rebellion Paper 002

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Topic is: Is Exercise & Sports Science Australia Heading the Right Direction?

 The purpose is to speak to the specific challenges being faced by members on these topics, to discuss both my own lived experience, observations and opinions, and those of others, and to offer some recommendations.

With this document, my aim is to address the following:

  1. ESSA’s communication style, reactivity and speed with members

  2. What advocacy do ESSA members want and need in the personal injury and workers compensation space?

  3. What is your experience when it comes to diversity and inclusion as an ESSA member?

  4. Transparency with membership fees and accreditation fees

ESSA fails to effectively recognise the different circumstances of members, and to allocate appropriate and relevant resources and opportunities. The final page of the ESSA 2021 Culture Report was on defining the ESSA Team Roles. The final paragraph reads:

 “Members provide input and feedback as required to ensure outcomes being achieved in a way that benefits members. Raise concerns or risks when they occur and work together in finding solutions that will help manage these risks or challenges. Support the creation of effective, fun, responsive and impactful solutions achieved in a collaborative and inclusive way.”

At the ESSA NSW Chapter meeting in November 2022, when discussing the survey participation rates, a member commented that ESSA should reach out to the larger organisations and companies who employ ESSA members. The reasoning given by this particular member was that the opinions of managers and executives of larger organisations were “more valuable” than other members’. Additionally, this member commented that, if the entire membership is asked for opinion, there would be “too much noise.” I gave my opinion that all members should be equally valued and when another member has a differing experience to ours, it is an opportunity hold a safe space to listen, engage and discuss. It is not the quantity of opinions which needs to be addressed, rather the inability of ESSA to filter through, to listen and understand the opinions, and to then develop solutions.

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