Yo, New Grads!

Howdy new grads,

Congratulations! You made it through uni and now you get to enter the world. Here is a list of 21 things I wish someone had told me when I graduated as a 21-year-old. Prefer this via audio - you can listen to this on The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast.

 1.       You will struggle with the battle between trying to help people and trying to meet your billable hours.

 2.       You will never have enough time so you will need to choose which task will make you feel happiest after it’s accomplished.

 3.       From the beginning of your career, learn to shut up and listen. If you listen well, then you can communicate the information which your client most needs, and are most receptive to hearing.

 4.       People can be assholes.

 5.       People will make their own decisions. Your job is to provide them with as much information as they want or need to make that decision.

6.       The client is not the most important person. You are.  So, take care of your health. Rest, sleep, eat and play.

7.       It’s okay to explore different parts of the industry and to move from job to job.

8.       On the daily you will listen to other people’s problems. This is mentally draining.

9.       Be Curious. Not Furious.

10.   When you hear yourself say “Actually, I don’t give a shit” – this a symptom of compassion fatigue. You need help and you need it immediately.

11.   Give an abundance of compassion, not empathy.

12.   If you have experienced a trauma, it can be hard to work with a client who has experienced a similar trauma. Consider referring them onto a colleague.

13.   It’s okay to fail. Learn from it. 

14.   Work-Life balance is a myth. You will have to choose what is most important at any moment in time.

 15.   Find an industry mentor. Preferably, not your boss or your manager, nor someone who has an interest in your billable hours.

 16.   It’s okay to say, “I don’t know”. Then go explore and discover the answer.

 17.   Start building your network, now. Tap into, and contribute to the collective knowledge.

 18.   Work is simply trading your time and skills for money. Decide how much your time is worth.

 19.   Have a dream which is independent of your career. You are more than your job title.

 20.   You are perfectly imperfect.

 21.   You are a good human.

Cheers for now, -Rhea